connected Coaching

Are you struggling in a season with unmet expectations and unfulfilled dreams and longings?

Do you feel stuck and unsure of how to move forward?

Does joy feel out of reach and impossible to find?

Are you overwhelmed by life and struggling with boundaries that honor God, others, and yourself?

Do you feel like your relationship with God is stale?

Your life has purpose. When life gets hard, many of us find ourselves just going through the motions.

You were made for more.

Reconnect with God, yourself, and others.

Your personal, emotional, and spiritual growth matter.

Coaching is a one-on-one relationship centered around your goals.

We’ll figure out what isn’t working and I’ll give you strategies to help you grow.

Book a free 30 minute call today to see if coaching is right for you.



Jessica will guide you in diving deeper into how the truths of the Lord’s character and His word can change how we walk through both weeping and rejoicing in this life. If you feel stuck in or exhausted by your present circumstances, Jessica can help build a foundation of spiritual disciplines and healthy, individualized habits that will help you not only endure but learn contentment, like Paul, in any season or circumstance. - Hannah

Whether you are wanting to grow in your walk with the Lord directly or are wanting to grow indirectly through the stewardship of life rhythms and goals, Jessica will help you clear away the distractions and focus on the things of the Lord and how to grow in any area of life you are needing.  She is a coach and a friend! - Marci

The best part of working with Jessica is she meets you where you are—whatever you're struggling with, whatever your understanding or spiritual maturity. She is the greatest source of genuine encouragement and the friend we all wish we had. - Nicole


Through coaching, you will learn:

how to care for yourself TO pour out without burning out

how to cultivate a life of joy and intention, even in difficult seasons

how to create boundaries for your current season 

how to discern what to say yes and no to

how to manage stress in a Biblical way 

how to trust God with the life you’ve been given



How is coaching different than therapy?

Faith-based life coaching is a sister role to counseling/therapy. It is NOT therapy. In coaching, I work with clients to identify their roadblocks and work through them.

What if I can’t afford it at this time?

Money shouldn’t get in the way of you getting the support you need. Financing is available.

How long should I commit to coaching?

It depends on what you want to work through. I have worked with some clients for a few weeks and others for a year!

Will this work for me? I’ve tried things like this before and been dissatisfied.

Like any step you take to get help, you will get out of this what you put into it. When you take the action steps provided for you and implement what we discuss, you are bound to see positive results.

What does a coaching relationship look like?

Biweekly calls with me, homework prompts with personalized action steps, and access to me in between sessions for questions and support in your journey.